Frankly Speaking Blog

Easy Energy Saving Tip

April 26th, 2011 11:46 PM by Frank Ferrell

When was the last time you cleaned your thermostat coil? One year ago…five years ago? Are you’re asking yourself, “what the heck is a thermostat coil??”

Your thermostat regulates your home heating and cooling system.

When the coil inside the thermostat cover is dirty and dusty it won’t give an accurate reading. The dust interferes with the coil’s ability to sense temperature changes. Room temperature changes make the coil curl and uncurl, thus activating your heating or cooling unit to turn on or off.

How to easily clean your thermostat coil

Simply remove the thermostat cover and clean the coil by blowing away the dust or gently wiping it away with a cotton swab. If you have a clock or timer thermostat, make sure to replace the batteries twice a year.

Be cool, Floridians!

Posted in:General
Posted by Frank Ferrell on April 26th, 2011 11:46 PM


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