Frankly Speaking Blog

Curb appeal is one of the most important aspects to consider when selling your home. A beautiful exterior can often make the difference between a potential buyer seeing the inside of your house, or never getting out of their car.

Check the home from the roof line down.
Is the roof free and clear from obstructions and moss?
Are the gutters clear and neatly hung?
Are the windows clean and free from obstructions (such as overgrown bushes or trees)?
Are bushes, trees and shrubs neatly pruned?

Inspect the condition of the paint or siding.
Is it time to power wash the siding?
Is touch up paint needed?
Is the front door in good shape?

Do flower beds need an upgrade?
Are plants neatly pruned?
Is the bed free and clear of weeds?
Is the bed properly mulched?
Are flowers in bloom?

Keep the lawn neatly groomed.
Is the lawn free from weeds?
Is the lawn free from grass clippings?
Is the lawn neatly edged?

Posted by Frank Ferrell on August 17th, 2019 7:59 PM

This week much of the Southeast is expected to experience freezing temperatures, which can cause severe damage to lawns, trees and shrubs. Below are a few tips to take when a freeze is in the forecast:

1.  Irrigate before a frost or freeze to ensure there is proper moisture in the soil root zone, however make sure irrigation is stopped early enough to allow time for leaves to dry to avoid ice forming on them.

2.  Cover cold-sensitive plants with blankets or boxes, but not plastic. Be sure to remove the covering as soon as the temperatures begin to warm up.

3.  Do not mow turf that is frozen, and keep the lawn mowed high. This can reduce cold injury in two ways. First, it will promote a deeper root system that will provide greater stress tolerance. Second, it will create a warmer micro-environment within the lawn.

4.  Avoid foot traffic and vehicular traffic on frozen turf, as it can increase damage.

For more information, visit our preferred lawn service provider Massey Services Freeze Information Page.

Posted by Frank Ferrell on January 2nd, 2018 11:52 PM


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