Frankly Speaking Blog

Protect Your Home During Vacations

April 12th, 2011 4:35 PM by Frank Ferrell

Each year thousands of vacationers experience the humiliating, degrading, and sometimes frightful effects of crime. Though you might think up front I’m talking about personal assault, statistics indicate there’s a more common, menacing crime—personal theft.

Here are a few helpful tips you can use to dramatically reduce your chances of becoming a victim:

  • When leaving your home, double check all doors and window locks, and invest in slide-lock protection for sliding doors – a frequent point of entry for burglars. The locks cost less than a dollar and simply screw onto your window frame. Garage windows and doors, also a frequent point of entry, should be secured.
  • Ask a trusted friend to stop by your home at different times while you are away, or to be a house sitter. Ask them to turn on lights at night or consider buying a light timer set for every evening. Setting up multiple timers in alternating rooms works best. Radio timers are also a good idea.
  • Temporarily cancel newspaper subscriptions and postpone mail delivery, unless you’ve made arrangements for someone to pick up these items on a daily basis.
  • Engrave your name or an identifiable number (your own “secret code”) on large valuables. It makes them less attractive to burglars, and makes them easier to identify and recover if they are stolen.
  • Consider installing an alarm system, which can serve not only as protection, but may qualify you for a discount on your homeowner’s insurance.
  • If you have more than one car, consider parking your second vehicle in your driveway while you’re away. If you will be away for more than a week, ask a friend to change the position of the car a few times during your absence.
  • Move expensive electronic equipment away from the windows where they might be visible.
  • Don’t give your home a “closed-down” look by completely shutting drapes and blinds.
  • Make sure your homeowner’s policy is paid and the policy suits your current needs.
  • Arrange for lawn and landscaping services if your trip will be longer than a week.
  • Never leave spare keys “hidden” under doormats or anywhere outside your home.
  • If you’re departing from a local airport, don’t write your personal address on your luggage tags. Use a business address instead.

For more information on reducing your chances of home theft, visit my website's Protect Your Home page. 

Have a nice vacation--visit Florida!


Posted in:General
Posted by Frank Ferrell on April 12th, 2011 4:35 PM


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